Monday, December 31, 2007

A Kashmiri walks past a hoarding erected in Srinagar. This particular hoarding says enough about the politics in region. With the change in government such hoardings get replaced overnight.
A hoarding endorsing a brand of sanitary ware erected close to another one having prayers in Aribic written on it. The hoarding speaks much about the religious bent in Kashmiri mind.

Saving environment should be our prime concern. Stop environmental degradation as it is going on at an alarming pace. A roadside hoarding in Srinagar cautions citizens about the hazards of environmental pollution.

And this is what happens to the most forms of art in open spaces. A tattered roadside hoarding erected some years back in Srinagar to mark the Diamond Jublee celebrations Of Jammu and Kashmir High Court.

A Kashmiri Muslim girl walks past a shop selling bazar art in Srinagar. Of late people in Kashmir generated an interest of buying art pieces to decorate their living rooms.

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